Engineering Sustainable Systems

Sustainable Energy Systems

Mechanical, Chemical or Environmental Engineering + Sustainable Systems

In 2006, it was estimated that 471 exajoules of energy, equivalent to nearly 80 billion barrels of oil, were consumed globally. As energy demands rise, and the impacts of greenhouse gases become more prevalent, where will future energy come from? Students in the Sustainable Energy Systems specialization graduate with an understanding of the magnitude of earth’s energy crisis and the tools to design more sustainable energy solutions. The Sustainable Energy Systems track is open to Mechanical, Chemical, Environmental and Civil Engineering students.

The engineering curriculum builds upon traditional engineering topics with energy-focused courses such as ChE 686: Case Studies in Environmental Sustainability, ME 433: Advanced Energy Solutions, CEE 567 Energy Infrastructure Systems, and EAS 574: Sustainable Energy Systems. To place this design within an ecological context, students complement this technical foundation with such courses as EAS 527: Energy Markets and Energy Politics and EAS 580: Environmental Assessment. Sustainable Energy Systems students are set apart by their combination of deep technical knowledge of sustainable energy systems and a broad understanding of complex social, environmental and economic impacts.

More Information:
Degree Requirements with Mechanical Engineering + Sustainable Systems (pdf)

Degree Requirements with Chemical Engineering + Sustainable Systems (pdf)

Degree Requirements with Environmental Engineering + Sustainable Systems (pdf)

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