Engineering Sustainable Systems


The Engineering Sustainable Systems program offers three specializations: Sustainable Energy Systems, Sustainable Design & Manufacturing, and Sustainable Water Resources. Each specialization links the Mechanical, Civil, Environmental, or Chemical Engineering programs with one of two School for Environment & Sustainability fields of study – Sustainable Systems or Aquatic Sciences. Graduates will enter the job market with unique sustainability training and two Master’s degrees.  Each specialization requires 54 credit hours of coursework.

Additionally, Engineering students outside of the Chemical, Civil & Environmental, and Mechanical Engineering departments can build their own dual-degree curriculum with the School for Environment & Sustainability, but will be required to complete at least 60 credit hours.  More information on alternative dual degrees and the required forms are available through the Rackham Graduate School.

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) students and joint-Ph.D. students can also participate in the ESS program.

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